Beyond a good company as a great global company!

  • Good Will Edu makes your world BIG

    Our purpose is to educate young students with world-class insights, future-oriented professionals, and community developmentleaders through its easiest and harmonious education. English Education also introduces the fourth industrial age into artificial intelligence algorithm, and the Learning with AI program provides a high level of education to help deep learning thinking.

  • From Phonics To IVY League!

    Cultivating global students of talents with comprehensive linguistic thinking! The day when you stand up proudly on the world stage in the global era where English is a medium, not a purpose, that’s the day Good Will Edu completes its mission.

  • Corporate philosophy and vision

    Establishing a 21st century English education paradigm that fits the 4th industrial era! Good Will Edu members share your future vision with full educatorial commitment to the mission.


  • Name of Company

    Good Will Edu Inc.

  • Address

    8, 9F 200, Wiryegwangjang-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

  • Date of Establishment

    2012. 06. 01

  • Number of Employees

    46 person

  • Major Business Content

    Domestic part
    English Academy Franchise, Operation of Direct Management

    Academy, Cooperation Projects(University, Government, Schools), Online

    Contents Development and Supply, R&D Center(Ministry of Science and ICT)

    International part
    China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, United States, Phillippines


  • 2012

    Good Will Edu Inc. founded

    8 Franchises

  • 2013 -

    Brach establishment in

    Beijing, China

    - 28 Franchises

  • 2015 -

    45 Franchises

    Additional launching of direct management academy

    Development of Online Book Quiz

    After school education for Elementary students

    Global Business

    Kid castle in China .Live ABC in Taiwan

  • 2017

    67 Franchises

    ER-TOS Development (Intergrated solution for extensive reading)

    Development of 4,000 books

    ER-TOS system in China and Taiwan

  • 2018

    92 Franchises

    Approval of R&D Center (MICT)

    Establishment of subsidiary in Vietnam (Good Will Edu Vietnam)

    Korea-China Joint Conference

    Launch of University relevant project

  • 2019

    116 Franchises

    Online Contents for Kindergarten

    Online Contents for University students

    Study abroad for University students

    University lectures in Humanities in English

    Supply contents to private schools in Thailand

    English Academy launching in Songpa Jamsil, Seoul



Our Vision!

4th Industry + cultivating students of talent in global era Education training for holistic intellectuals, future-oriented professionals and community development leaders.

Employee expectations of Good Will Edu Inc.

Employees with evenly cultivated 3CAs with humility , sagacity and wisdom. Communication Ability/ Cooperation Ability/ Creative Ability